Add this to your html page :
<!doctype html>
<!-- saved from url=(0023) -->
<!doctype html>
<!-- saved from url=(0023) -->
In this example I am creating 2 buttons dynamically on page load through JQuery & We can scroll left & right on click on these 2 buttons
$(document).ready(function () {
// Creating two Left Right Scroll Button through JQuery
var btnRht= $("<input type='button' id='btnLeft' value='>>' class='ButtonStyle' width='5px' />");
var btnLeft = $("<input type='button' id='btnRight' value='<<' class='ButtonStyle' />");
// appending buttons to a td inside a html div
// Left / Rht Scroll scroll
$("#btnLeft").click(function () {
var leftPos = $('.DivDataMain').scrollLeft();
$(".DivDataMain").animate({scrollLeft: leftPos + 250}, 600);
$("#btnRight").click(function () {
var leftPos2 = $('.DivDataMain').scrollLeft();
$(".DivDataMain").animate({scrollLeft: leftPos2 - 250}, 600);
HTML Code :-
<div style="width: 300px; overflow: hidden;" class="DivDataMain">
<td id="tdDoE">
Scroll Buttons will be appended after this text.