Dynamically bind drop down in CKEditor (FCK Editor)
Get dropdown data from database in CkEditor
First of alldownload and implement CkEditor then install strinstert plugin ( neeed to dowanload all dependent plugins)
or use CkEditor builder (Add to my editor button) and select strinstert plugin
Open ckeditor> plugins>strinsert>plugins.js file
replace it with below file
Now add webmethod in your C# code behind
Get dropdown data from database in CkEditor
First of alldownload and implement CkEditor then install strinstert plugin ( neeed to dowanload all dependent plugins)
or use CkEditor builder (Add to my editor button) and select strinstert plugin
Open ckeditor> plugins>strinsert>plugins.js file
replace it with below file
* @license Copyright © 2013 Stuart Sillitoe <stuart@vericode.co.uk>
* This work is mine, and yours. You can modify it as you wish.
* Stuart Sillitoe
* stuartsillitoe.co.uk
requires: ['richcombo'],
init: function (editor) {
var response = getddlData();
var responseArr = response.split(",");
// array of strings to choose from that'll be inserted into the editor
var strings = [];
//strings.push(['@@FAQ::displayList()@@', 'FAQs', 'FAQs']);
//strings.push(['@@Glossary::displayList()@@', 'Glossary', 'Glossary']);
//strings.push(['@@CareerCourse::displayList()@@', 'Career Courses', 'Career Courses']);
//strings.push(['@@CareerProfile::displayList()@@', 'Career Profiles', 'Career Profiles']);
//BY Pankaj Sharma (3 responses being filed : 'drop down Value', drop down Text, Title)
for (i = 0; i < responseArr.length; i++) {
strings.push([responseArr[i], responseArr[i + 1], responseArr[i + 2]]);
i = i + 2;
// add the menu to the editor
label: 'add bookmarks',
title: 'add bookmarks',
voiceLabel: 'add bookmarks',
className: 'cke_format',
multiSelect: false,
css: [editor.config.contentsCss, CKEDITOR.skin.getPath('editor')],
voiceLabel: editor.lang.panelVoiceLabel
init: function () {
this.startGroup("Insert Bookmark");
for (var i in strings) {
this.add(strings[i][0], strings[i][1], strings[i][2]);
onClick: function (value) {
function getddlData() {
var ajaxResponse;
type: "POST",
url: 'TextEditor.aspx/GetBookMarkData', // AJAX call to fecth dropdown data
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
async: false,
cache: false,
// Text file name
success: function (response) {
// //alert(data.d); // or do some other data processing
// //return data.d;
ajaxResponse = response;
return ajaxResponse.d;
//$(function () {
// getddlData(); // calling ajax function on page load
Now add webmethod in your C# code behind
public static string GetBookMarkData()
//string bookmarkData = "'@@Test@@','TestOne','TestOne'";
/// BY Pankaj Sharma (3 responses dropdown values being filed : 'drop down Value', drop down Text, Title)
/// Need DB data in , seprated list Formate: @@Test@@,TestOne, TestOne, @@Test2@@,Test2,Test2
string sbookmarkData = "@@Test_Name@@, Test Name, Test Name, @@Test_Add@@, Test Add, Test Add, @@Test_City@@, Test City, Test City, @@Test_Phone@@, Test Phone, Test Phone";
return sbookmarkData;
I was able to use this successfully...thanks